Two of our factories – ZETPEZET and WPPZ – are manufacturers of this modification and can offer it in the following options:
TRADE NAME: SPOMIX E1404 CS (cold soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Spomix E-1404 is a product of oxidation and thermal treatment of potato starch.
USAGE: Intended for thickening of food products: soups, mayonnaise and for making ice creams, cold made desserts (whipped cream, pudding creams), to stabilize fillings for pastry. Spomix can also be used in the baking industry to improve workability and prevent the staling of bread. The product is not intended for direct consumption.
TRADE NAME: LU-1404-1 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: LU-1404-1 is a product of oxidation of potato starch with sodium hypochlorite. It has better functional properties than potato starch. In aqueous solutions it forms soft gels which are not prone to retrogradation and syneresis. This property is used for manufacturing solid products with low viscosity. It reaches its full technological value when heated up to 93°C.
USAGE: Production of sweet or salty pudding served as the main course or dessert, salad sauces, dressings, mayonnaise, soups, ketchup, sauces for canned meat or vegetables, fruit filling for confectionery goods and baby food. Used for the manufacture of flavored and thermised yoghurts.
TRADE NAME: LU-1404-2 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: LU-1404-2 is a product of oxidation of potato starch with sodium hypochlorite. It has better functional properties than potato starch. When boiled, aqueous solutions of LU – 1404 – 2 form transparent colloidal solutions with low viscosity which, once cooled, remain liquid or turn into relatively strong gels. Regardless of their concentration, pastes and gels based on LU – 1404 – 2 are not prone to retrogradation or syneresis. Owing to its low viscosity, the maximum concentration allowed for cooking is 15%. It does not degrade in acidic solutions with a pH value of 4.
USAGE: It is particularly recommended for the manufacture of jellies and soft gummies. It can be used as a substitute for gelatine. In lower concentration can be used for the manufacture of salad sauces, vegetable sauces, sauces for canned meat or vegetables, soups, dressings, mayonnaise, fruit filling for confectionery goods, flavored and thermised yoghurts, thermally processed flavored milk drinks.
TRADE NAME: LU-1404-7 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: LU-1404-7 is a product of oxidation of potato starch with sodium hypochlorite and then further part-dried to the maximum moisture content of 7%. When boiled, aqueous solutions form transparent colloidal solutions with low viscosity which, once cooled, remain liquid or turn into relatively strong gels. Regardless of concentration, pastes and gels based on LU – 1404 – 7 are not prone to retrogradation or syneresis. Owing to its low viscosity, the maximum concentration allowed for cooking is 40%. It does not degrade in acidic solutions with a pH value of 4.
USAGE: Manufacture of jellies, soft gummies and fruit filling for confectionery goods. In lower concentration can be used for the manufacture of: salad sauces, vegetable sauces, sauces for canned meat and vegetables, soups, soup mixes, dressings, mayonnaise, flavored and thermised yoghurts, thermally-processed flavored milk drinks.