Two of our factories – ZETPEZET and WPPZ – are manufacturers of this modification and can offer it in the following options:
TRADE NAME: STABILEX E1412 CS (cold soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Starch thickener Stabilex CS E-1412 is a product of crosslinking starch with sodium trimetaphosphate.
USAGE: Intended to stabilize and thicken food products such as ice cream, yogurt, cheese, soup, sauces and their powder concentrates. It is also used in dressings and snacks. The product is not intended for direct consumption.
TRADE NAME: STABILEX E1412 HS (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Starch thickener Stabilex HS E-1412 is a product of crosslinking starch with sodium trimetaphosphate. Intended for stabilizing and thickening food products subjected to heat treatment, particularly for products sterilized or pasteurized.
USAGE: In the meat industry provides the binding of leakage during thermal processing of meat products, poultry products, and meat and vegetables products. This product is not intended for direct consumption.
TRADE NAME: LU-1412-1 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Distarch phosphate LU-1412-1 is a product of esterification of potato starch with sodium trimetaphosphate, with a medium degree of cross-linking , the maximum phosphorus (P) content is 0,5 %. When used as stabilizer it helps to maintain physical and chemical properties of the products to which it is added in small amounts preventing or delaying spontaneous and adverse changes which occur in them. In aqueous solutions, depending on the concentration, it forms pastes with various density and very short structures. It reaches its full technological value when heated up to 72 C.
It does not degrade in acidic solutions with a pH value > 4.
USAGE: Meat products – cured meat, finely ground cured meat, pates, sauces for canned meat and vegetables, salad sauces, dressing, mayonnaise, soups, frozen meals, fruit filling for confectionery goods, baby food, yoghurts and all the aforesaid products with reduced calorific value (a substitute for fat).
TRADE NAME: LU-1412-2 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Distarch phosphate LU-1412-2 is a product of esterification of potato starch with sodium trimetaphosphate, with a high degree of cross-linking, the maximum phosphorus (P) content is 0,5 %. When used as stabilizer it helps to maintain physical and chemical properties of the products to which it is added in small amounts preventing or delaying spontaneous and adverse changes which occur in them. In aqueous solutions, depending on the concentration, it forms pastes with various density and very short structures.
It does not degrade in acidic solutions with a pH value > 3,5.
USAGE: Production of salad sauces, dressing, mayonnaise, soups, frozen food, fruit filling for confectionery goods, baby food, yoghurts, meat products – cured meat, finely ground cured meat, pates, sauces for canned meat and vegetables, and all the above products with reduced calorific value.
TRADE NAME: LU-1412-9 (hot soluble)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Dried distarch phosphate LU-1412-9 is a product of esterification of potato starch with sodium trimetaphosphate, with a medium degree of cross-linking, the maximum phosphorus (P) content is 0,5 %. When used as stabilizer it helps to maintain physical and chemical properties of the products to which it is added in small amounts preventing or delaying spontaneous and adverse changes which occur in them. In aqueous solutions, depending on the concentration, it forms pastes with various density and very short structures.
It does not degrade in acidic solutions with a pH value > 4.
USAGE: Meat products – cured meat, finely ground cured meat, pates., sauces for canned meat and vegetables, salad sauces, dressing, mayonnaise, soups, frozen meals, fruit filling for confectionery goods, baby food, yoghurts and all the aforesaid products with reduced calorific value (a substitute for fat).